First Nations end of life resources
Yarning our wishes | A film about planning for end of life.
We are storytellers.
We are listeners.
We are very creative people.
We are spiritual people.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been storytellers for tens of thousands of years. They call it ‘yarning’, communicating about what is important, passing on knowledge, and telling stories.
Yarning is integral to building strong relationships and trust.
Yarning is at the heart of end-of-life discussions.
It’s time to listen.
The Groundswell Project joined Aboriginal communities in South Western Sydney with health staff from South Western Sydney Local Health District for a discussion and creation of a video that highlights what’s important.
Yarning Our Wishes is aimed at health professionals and community organisations that work in end-of-life care and with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members of Western Sydney. The film highlights key points and learnings as well as other cultural considerations.
We hope you enjoy!
Will you complete a 2min feedback survey on this resource? Click here. Thanks for giving feedback so we can learn and do more of these.
We would like to acknowledge the NSW Ministry of Health for funding this project, also to Curious Works for production.
We would like to thank the Tharawal Aboriginal Medical Service and the Gandangara Local Aboriginal Council, as well as the service providers and community members who generously shared their voices in ‘Yarning Our Wishes’.
To accompany the video, a Yarning our wishes resource has also been developed. You can view and download it here.
Educational resources
There are some wonderful educational resources on the NAIDOC website here .
A new culturally appropriate Aboriginal Palliative Care resource has been developed by South Western Sydney PHN after consultation with local Aboriginal Elders. The resource discuss concepts around palliative care, planning ahead and the legalities of end of life including a South Western Sydney (SWS) tailored service directory, via a partnership established for the development of this resource which included South Western Sydney LHD, Gandangara Land Council, and SWS local Aboriginal Elders.
A ‘Journey Into Sorry Business’ booklet is available online.
Gwandalan: Supporting Palliative Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities
Spirituality plays an important role in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture with many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people possessing strong beliefs about the existence of life beyond the physical realm. Life and death are viewed as a continuous cycle from birth to death to re-birth; the life, death, life pattern.
The Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council (AH&MRC) assists Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHSs) across NSW to ensure they have access to an adequately resourced and skilled workforce to provide high-quality health care services for Aboriginal communities. To read more and access end of life resources visit the website here.
The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation that partners with communities to address the ongoing trauma caused by actions like the forced removal of children from their families. To read more and to access end of life resources, visit the website here.
Sunday 4th July marks the start of National NAIDOC week. A week in which we celebrate the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This year's theme is 'Heal Country' - a calling for all of us to continue to seek greater protections for our lands, our waters, our sacred sites, and our cultural heritage from exploitation, desecration, and destruction. Country is more than a place and inherent to our identity. Country is sentient.
The 2021 National NAIDOC Poster, ‘Care for Country’ was designed by Gubbi Gubbi artist Maggie-Jean Douglas.
Using the 2021 NAIDOC Week theme, Heal Country!, as inspiration; ‘Care for Country’ is a bright and vibrant artwork which explores how Country has cared for and healed First Nations people spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially and culturally.
The artwork includes communities, people, animals and bush medicines spread over different landscapes of red dirt, green grass, bush land and coastal areas to tell the story of the many ways Country can and has healed us throughout our lives and journeys.
Find out more about the 2021 National NAIDOC Poster.
The 2021 National NAIDOC Poster is available for download, to help you celebrate NAIDOC Week.
In 2020, The Groundswell Project commenced our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
We look forward to sharing our experience with you to continue the work.